Saturday 19 March 2016

Strengths and Weaknesses

  • A more androgynous conception of leadership will present people the opportunity to sharpen their leadership skills through practice platforms that do not restrict people by behavioural associations to their gender.
  • This research is a good way to busting myths regarding the gender gap while simultaneously putting the spotlight on aspects that need it.
  • This research provides tools to help dismantle the glass ceiling from multiple angles.
  • Addressing rather than ignoring these gender issues will aid in women attaining influential leadership positions.


  • Researchers should put more focus on the correlation of race and ethnicity and gender on leadership.
  • The current view is very western world focus therefore making it difficult to generalize.
  • There should be an increased focus on closing the gender gap at home.
  • Leadership researchers should look more closely at different types of diversity in organizations processes. 

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